Shipston Natural Health, Warwickshire - Therapy centre offering acupuncture,Allergy testing, Aromatherapy, Bowen, Cranio-Sacral, footcare, Homeopathy, Hopi candle treatment,McTimoney Chiropractic,Hypnotherapy, Indian Head Massage,Psychological therapy,Psoas-muscle release,Reflexology,reiki,remedial and sports massage. One of the largest centres in Warwickshire.
Shipston Therapy Centre - Therapy, acupuncture, Allergy testing, Bowen, Cranio-Sacral, footcare, Homeopathy, Hopi candle treatment, McTimoney Chiropractic, Hypnotherapy, Indian Head Massage, Psychological therapy, Psoas-muscle release, Reflexology, reiki, remedial and sports massage, alternative therapies, medical, aromatherapy.
Shipston Natural Health Centre is located in the Shipston-on-Stour area of Warwickshire. There is 1 other listing in the CV36 postcode area.
Chiropractors in Warwickshire CV36