Chiropractic treatment for back pain, sports injuries, muscle pain and aches and all other body pain and muscular problems in Torquay, Paignton, Brixham, Newton abbot and surrounding South Devon areas.
chiropractic, headache, migraine, dizzyness, nausea, sickness, eyes, ears, nose, throat, back, ache, pain, pins and needles, fatigue, disc, herniated, stiffness, sciatica, stiffness, neck, restricted, movement, frozen, shoulder, sprain, sprained, sports, carpal, tunnel, arthritis, strain, tear, running, torbay, torquay, paignton, brixham, newton abbot, footbal, rugby, tennis, hockey, athlete, athletics, swimming, shooting, sharp.
Essential Chiropractic is located in the Torquay area of Torbay. There are at least 9 other listings in the TQ2 postcode area.
Chiropractors in Torbay TQ2